Sunday, November 21, 2010

To Be a Friend….

Recently we have been talking about what it means to be a real friend. What does this mean? One thing I think it means, and I know nothing as I ought, is that real friends would have the living Word of God mediating their lives and conversations and they would speak the truth to one another, even if it seems uncomfortable at the time.

Speech is the most important part of our lives - This world was created when God spoke and every time you or I speak, worlds are being created. When I am with my friends a can choose either to talk about something meaningless (which sometimes seams easier) or I could talk about what Jesus has done, is doing and will yet do in my life and in the lives of the people I am with everyday. If I allow the conversation around me to be about other people, the next fun thing to do, etc. (meaningless conversations) that is not a friend and it will not last.

Since I have been given everything through the unconditional grace of God and His son’s death on the cross for my sins, how could I help but tell everyone that I am around. God my Father loves me so much that he sent his only beloved son to die for me, and yet, I am so selfish that I daily forget and think about myself and that is when I need a friend to remind me and bring me back to the cross.

The Bible says… Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6. My Uncle was telling me that if I am not challenging those that I am around, then I am not being a friend and vise versa. A friend should be someone that you can go to and tell them what you are thinking and they will not just agree with you but interpret what you are saying through what the bible says.

As iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:1.

Tonight at the Williams for Donnie's 18th Birthday party


  1. You will be learning what it means to be a true friend for the rest of your life Bonnie, trust me.
    Good thing you're starting young.

  2. Isn't it a good challenge to right down what you are hearing & what it means to you in an articulate way for others to read? I enjoy reading your posts. I feel like we're talking to each other, even though we do not often see one another right now. You'll have to come by to see my new home sometime! Bless you.

  3. I like to hear what you are thinking about, Bonnie. Great Post. I'm finally back online (sort-of) and can see you now. :) Christal Hicks
